Our longest day yet! We covered some serious miles today on our gradual climb into the Rockies. Our path followed the Clearwater / Lochsa river the entire way which is part of Lewis & Clark's original trail, and runs through what is now the Nez-Perce Indian reservation. Before this trip as far as I was concerned Idaho was an empty state - who knew it had this scenery?
Last night brought several animal attack false alarms, but it turns out James just makes vicious animal noises when he sleeps. Incredibly, we made it through the night again and got a nice and early start from Spalding. The wind cooperated with us for the most part early in the day and we maintained a pretty steady pace. The reservation casinos were tempting however, and threatened to put the RLPT on pause. Everybody knows that the best way to protest the real world is to hit the jackpot on the slot machines. Plus casinos have buffets.
We stopped for lunch in the lovely tourist town of Kooskia and ate on some street benches outside the "laundrymat", not laundromat. We resisted the urge to wash any clothing though because only real people wash clothes. After lunch we made it to the town of Lowell, population 23. The welcome sign had the population originally at 24, but was crossed out and corrected with a 23, to clear up any confusion. We talked to a nice man (1 of the 23) at a convenience store who gave us advice on the next day's climb and a campground ahead, which we now occupy! Tomorrow we will be crossing Lolo pass, the second highest point on our trip, followed by a righteous downhill into Missoula, MONTANA!
-posted by Aaauron
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