In the summer of 2009 James Pilachowski, Sam Townsend, and Aaron Smith decided to protest their entry into the real world with a bike trip across America. This is their story.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 17 - Journey to the Center of Nowhere

Distance - 116.2 miles (NEW WRECKORD!)

So we left the ATT of Cody toward our destination of Shoshoni fairly early, passing the hunting lodge Buffalo Bill once stayed in, the trading post he frequented, and the ditch he once emptied his chamberpot into. We headed south through the plains toward the small town of Meteetsee, seeing several prancing pronghorn antelope along the way. And I naturally blew out my rear tire. Again. So two miles short of town I replaced the tube, and joyfully rode to the convenient store in Meteetsee on fresh tube number six... Marvelous. We continued south after a short break toward the Home of the "World's Largest Mineral Hotsprings", Thermopolis! (You know it has these hot springs because not only are there 37 signs for them, there is also giant lettering on the mountainside over the town) But naturally, the wind blasted in our faces for the next several dozen miles until we hit a rest area somewhere between the two towns.

We downed our lunch of bread, cheese, and other high-class foods at the rest stop, and rolled on in the face of Aeolus' vengence for thirty-two more miles. In a race against an incoming thunderstorm, we pedaled hard until we just barely beat the torrential downpour to a gas station in Thermopolis. We downed egregious amounts of caffeine, (Yeah 24oz Rockstar!) and headed through the beautiful Wind River Canyon toward Shoshoni. And finally some scenery! Apparently the lower strata of the canyon is composed of rock formed during sometime like the Pre-Cambrian Age, which is geologist for "Really Ridiculously Old." We continued up the canyon until we reached a completely level plain...the REAL Wyoming. Awesome. Really. Then we FINALLY hit Shoshoni, and assaulted the nasty microwaveable food at the local 24hr gas station. After enjoying the comforts of a small-town gas station and all its accoutrements, we went back outside to find my tire mysteriously went flat. Boy, this keeps getting better. Luckily the park we ended up staying in was only right across the street, and I triumphantly wheeled my wounded steed over there in the highest of spirits. We bedded down after we set up our situation, only about fifty yards from a silent homeless chap. Another long day down, the next day we head for Casper! (Where our hero gets new tires and his troubles cease....sort of)

*DISCLAIMER: If you thought this post was boring, it is likely due to the combination of the lateness at which I am writing and the sheer fact that central Wyoming is about as exciting as a rotting log. So I offer to you a synopsis of stuff I thought about in the middle of nowhere:

-When I ride downhill, I hold the bottom of my handlebars and pretend I'm a TIE Fighter from Star Wars so I can make that "Reeeeoooowwwww" sound. I'm awesome.

-Despite the fact the plains of Wyoming are impossibly dull, they have some pretty cool sunsets. In Wind River Canyon I totally turned up "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" soundtrack to complete the "I'm Clint Eastwood" experience.

-I wonder if Clint Eastwood would be a good pilot in a TIE Fighter?

-In all seriousness, even in the face of pretty irritating circumstances like sore knees and tendons and a gratuitous number of flat tires, I realized things are going pretty dang well. I have much to be thankful for like a bike that works properly, and body that usually won't rebel, an incredibly supportive group of friends (we really do appreciate all the helpful words), a fantastic girlfriend who always knows the best words of encouragement--even from a fillion dillion miles away, and a family that's always there, 147%. Basically if you're reading this I extend a thank-you for the support, continue raging on!

1 comment:

  1. Sam, this blog is the BEST. I've been reading it religiously, and I always scroll to the bottom of each post to see if I have to read it with your voice in my head. I'm so impressed that you're halfway there! Love you!


    p.s. I got an interview in the real world today, so keep defying it for me!
