In the summer of 2009 James Pilachowski, Sam Townsend, and Aaron Smith decided to protest their entry into the real world with a bike trip across America. This is their story.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Midway Picture Update Spectacular!!

So we haven't had much opportunity to upload pictures yet, because the only pictures we can upload from the road are ones taken with James' iPhone (the tableau divine). But since we have computer access at my brother's place in Fort Collins finally (thanks Joel!), we figured we would give a little picture update of the trip so far!
Jacked and Tan(Lined)
At least Wyoming will give you a nice sunset after she blasts you with thunderstorms.

We see alot of this.

Hell's Halfacre, a bizarre alien landscape in the middle of Nowhereville, Wyoming. It was actually used in the filming of "Starship Troopers."

Typical Wyoming.

Yellowstone Lake, largest mountain lake in North America.

Ghetto tarp situation at Norris Campground in Yellowstone.

Bison simply don't care about traffic laws.

Sam did this a lot...but no more!!!

Earthquake Lake and the symbol of GBAmerica!
More riding through nowhere.

Aaron and Sam on Continental Divide! Sam being squished totally unawares.

Sweet bus!
Wheel fixing time...buh
Road. Hills. Sky. Montana.
James' first flat.
Edgar and a Snowman.

Top of Lolo Pass, Mtn Time Zone, and Montana State Line! Checkpoint overload!

Lowell, Cool rafting town.


First State Line crossing... awesome!

Rancher Burger... This is God's Country.

Park in Spangle, WA...home for two days!

Central Washington. Yep.

Not quite a Rancher Burger, but hey, it'll do.
Desert of Central Washington.

North Cascades Highway...righteous downhill!!


Diablo Lake, not too shabby.

Washington Pass, ready go downhill at 1356 mph!

Rainy Pass, the weather was just terrible. Obviously.

Puget Sound, Seattle WA. Time to go!

Spoke repairs on our first day. Trial by fire is right.

Setting up at the airport!
This compilation brought to you by Aaron and Sam, hibachi!


  1. Those legs are glorious. They now adorn my computer's wallpaper.


  2. James, you are going to have to make a really awesome scrapbook when you get home.

  3. It was great to see you guys! I've never seen such massive food consumption in 24 hours! Hope you missed the tornado on your way to Wiggins.
