Sometimes in Wyoming the wind blows. Sometimes it blows 35 mph with 60 mph gusts in your face. This morning we couldn't figure out whether the wind was on our side or not. With mostly side-winds we found ourselves riding at 20 degree angles leaning into the wind, and it felt like we had a long day ahead of us. Conveniently though, the road turned downwind and we made the best time of any day so far, cruising for a solid hour and a half at about 30 mph!
Turns out Wyoming drivers aren't too keen on bikers. We were honked at more today than the rest of the trip combined! Yesterday a dude actually leaned all the way out the passenger window of a tow truck and screamed "GET OFF THE ROAD!!" at us. And our reply gratious sir: no thank you. Man's trying to hold us down and block our chi, but we shall protest on!
Today was one of few days recently when nobody got a flat tire!
We decided on our way in to town that our Number of Days Biking to Buffets Ratio (NODBTBR) was way too small, so we visited the Home Country Buffet in Casper, determined to cause them to lose money. We estimate we put away about 5,000 calories a peice at dinner, with about 4-5 full plates of food per person, and we agree it has been the happiest moment to date on the RLPT. The joy brought forth when unlimited food meets insatiable appetites is beyond words. The McGrumbles inevitably set in however as we ate ourselves to the point of discomfort and beyond, but that's what the buffet is all about right? Right?
We are hobo-ing again tonight, this time behind an elementary school underneath the picnic table of a picnic shelter. Full moon, dry clothes, warm breeze, buffet-induced the dream!
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