Iberia was already warm in the morning. It was only going to get worse in the day. Let me jump ahead and explain that the heat index got up to 109, and I saw a bank sign give am actual temperature of 99 at one point. Hot and sweaty was the game today. For a long time we enjoyed biking on no shoulder with cars racing past, but luckily the traffic didn't last too long. What did last was the hills. I think we did more total uphill climbing than we did in the Rockies, and here the ups are significantly steeper than anything we have done so far. Nevertheless we trucked through it all, and the second half of the day was a nice trek through the Mark Twain National Forest, and a break from all the hills.
Upon our arrival in Potosi we went to the nearest grocery store, but before going in we spotted a Super Wal-Mart off in the distance. The allure was too great so we went there to get our food. We sat down on the sidewalk outside the store like hobos and consumed our dinners, each of us washing it down with a half gallon of either strawberry or chocolate milk. We still aren't sure if that was a great idea or not, because it was still pretty hot out. Also, in Missouri, Wal-Mart really does sell everything.

The park we chose for the night was nice in that it had all of our demanding living requirements: water, a bathroom, and a picnic shelter. Aaron took a 'shower' under the water spout, which actually looked quite refreshing. Just before going to bed, a cop rolled up with a dog in the back that was going nuts. While he called his supervisor to see if we could stay, a second cop pulled in. Apparently we warrant backup. They let us stay, which just reinforced in our minds that we can get away with anything.
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