Sam enjoying some classic Kansas flatness.
Distance - 106.7 miles
Last night we had the great fortune of witnessing a high school couple breaking up in the picnic shelter acrost yond stormy park. It was a very lucky occasion, sort of like national geographic spotting the snow leopard in attack mode in the Himalayas. Even better, the sky was storming it's brains out, adding to the drama of the situation.
Our destination today, Emporia, had two great things in store for us: a good bike shop and the ever delicious Applebees - to which we had a gift card (thanks again mom!!). Basically we had to change our route to end at a city with an Applebees, that's how important Applebees is. Applebees. James left us bright and early, worried that we would get to the bike shop too late, and Sam and I said goodbye to Abilene shortly after around 7:30am, our earliest start of any day so far! We happily peddaled along with chicken fingers, cheeseburgers, mozzerella sticks, and brewtuses dancing through our minds. I've been working hard the past several days to catch up on the flat tire count, so I tallied up another flat within the first hour of riding. The wind was finally blowing out of the southwest today, so we knew we would FINALLY get a bit of a tailwind once we turned east around lunchtime. And tailwind we did receive! Having a tailwind while biking is a glorious luxury, and we finally hit some classic Kansas flatland after our lunch stop underneath the shade of the Kansas Department of Transportation Area Three Nothern Yard Tree #5.
Feeling like Lance Armstrongs x2, we cruised along to Strong City, Kansas. I know what you're thinking, how did they know? And yes, we did take our picture underneath the city sign. It was about (sketchbot) 5000 degrees outside and 200% humidity, so we took the opportunity to awkwardly eat some snacks while standing in the ailses inside Stong City's beautifully air conditioned gas station.
We have a suggestion for Kansas and Colorado roads: please don't make your rumble strips extend the entire way across the 8 foot shoulder of the road! Completely unnecessary, and it means we either have to suffer over the hand and butt-numbing rumble strips, or get honked at by vehicles for riding in the road, and I'm getting tired of having to beat up belligerent truck drivers, geez.
Anyways, we made it to Emporia, found Yamez at the bike shop, and set out for the promised land (Applebees). It was a 2 for $20 entree deal that included an appetizer, so James crushed 2 entrees himself and Sam and I split the deal. I told them it was my birthday 16 days ago (which it was), and they sang to me and gave me a free dessert! Oh the promised land indeed. We left feeling like we wanted to die (a good thing in this case I guess), and used the Emporia State University Library for some free internet, thanks Emporia!!
We're staying in the 50 acre Peter Pan Park, underneath a picnic shelter big enough for 250 people, pretty nice place if you're a hobo!
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